About a Bear

Ok let’s face it. If you think you can handle the truth… here it is. 

For those of you foolish enough not to follow me on Twitter, or illiterate enough not to read my blog ‘Out of the Toy Box’, you will come to learn that I’m an 8 inch Teddy Bear living in Tropical North Queensland, Australia. No not Austria where they make ski equipment and women wear dirndl…. Australia! You know, the land Down Under where everyone says G’day Mate; where kangaroo’s hop down the main street of Sydney; where deadly Drop Bears fall unexpectedly from every tree; and of course, where Paul Hogan (when not in America) will personally come to greet you as you step off the plane, before he throws another prawn on the barbie and hands you a Coldie.

If by chance you’re socially impaired and need the first part of my bio about Australia interpreted, I suggest you either:
(1) find an Australian, 
(2) tell someone who cares or, 
(3) employ a translation service… they’re paid to care. But I digress. 

In late 2010 after having grown tired of constantly being referred to by the House Human as ‘just another’ bear, as though I were mixed in with your average collection of everyday dim-witted toys, I wanted to make a point and I climbed out to explore the world beyond. 

Since then I have been allowed to continue my explorations during the day and I’ve tried my paw at a number of things – none of which were particularly agreeable --, until I set upon the idea that I wanted nothing more in life than pure unadulterated fame and fortune. As I am only a little bear with nothing more than poly-fill for brains and very little talent, I set feverously to work trying to figure how to achieve such a tremendous goal. 

Then one night in the darkened toy box while everyone was asleep, it dawned on me. My path to fame and fortune was to be found in the three things that bring me pleasure (over and above annoying the House Human and watching Dr Who)... writing, the internet and Social Media.

Thanks to the grand and wondrous technologically advanced world you humans live in…I am attending University by distance education doing a Masters of Writing (on-line); I have a blog to give you a little bears spin on the world, and I figure it's only a matter of time before I get to finish writing my first television show. Fame and fortune here I come… 

Oh, and just in case you haven’t picked up on it yet: Yes I have a slight attitude problem -- and no, I don’t want it adjusted --.

I hope you enjoy my blog from time to time.

Big bear hugs,

Theodore H. Bear